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{"id":76377,"date":"2023-06-21T15:59:25","date_gmt":"2023-06-21T15:59:25","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.announcement.news\/?p=76377"},"modified":"2023-06-21T15:59:25","modified_gmt":"2023-06-21T15:59:25","slug":"rich-kid-who-never-had-a-paid-job-gets-a-taste-of-the-skint-life-24","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.announcement.news\/rich-kid-who-never-had-a-paid-job-gets-a-taste-of-the-skint-life-24\/","title":{"rendered":"Rich kid who 'never had a paid job' gets a taste of the skint life"},"content":{"rendered":"

An heiress used to a comfortable lifestyle in Chelsera got a taste of the real world by staying with a family-of-five on the breadline for the TV show Rich Kids Go Skint.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Veronika, 20, admitted on the show, which aired last night on 5Star, that she’s never had to worry about earning money, enjoying an allowance from her family, who also pay her bills and for her rented flat in Chelsea.\u00a0<\/p>\n

She goes to stay with Brandon and Rachel Slater, who live in a rented three-bedroom house with their three children,\u00a0Brooke, Declan and Olivia in Leeds, EvDEn eve NakLiyat<\/a> who work multiple jobs to make ends meet.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Thanks to her time with the family, who have only a couple of hundreds pounds left to enjoy after bills per month, Veronika gained a newfound appreciation of her privileged life, while the family were surprised by how ‘lovely’ she was.\u00a0<\/p>\n


Veronika, 20, admitted on Rich Kids Go Skint last night on 5Star, that she’s never had to worry about earning money, enjoying an allowance from her family, who also pay her bills and the rent of her flat in Chelsea<\/p>\n<\/div>\n
