
Black History Month: What is the Black history theme for 2020?


Black History Month first began as a way to remember important people and events in the history of the African diaspora. It is celebrated in February in the USA and Canada, but in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands, it is observed in October.

What is Black History Month?

Black History Month is celebrated each year in October in the UK.

The month is dedicated as a means to counter the perceived invisibility of black people and challenge the negative stereotypes that were the only manner black people were pictured in popular culture.

Black History Month aims to:

  • Promote knowledge of black history, culture and heritage
  • Disseminate information about positive black contributions to British society
  • Heighten the confidence and awareness of black people to their cultural heritage

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It is also thought to be hugely important for the UK because of the Windrush Scandal and racist incidents such as the death of Stephen Lawrence and Mark Duggan.

Following the death of Mr Lawrence, there was a huge investigation into his death.

The report concluded the police treated Mr Lawrence’s case differently because he was black which prompted some officers to act in a racist way.

In 2020, protests were held by BLM all over the world following the death of an unarmed black man called George Floyd after he was stopped by police in the USA.

What is this year’s theme?

This year’s theme for Black History Month in the USA in February was African Americans and the Vote.

The theme was chosen to mark the centennial of the 19th Amendment and the culmination of the women’s suffrage movement.

This year also marks the sesquicentennial of the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870 and the right of black men to the ballot after the Civil War.

Organisers chose the theme to mark the ongoing struggle on the part of both black men and black women for the right to vote and mark the important contribution of black suffragists. has contacted the organisers of Black History Month UK for comment.


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